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America’s Newest Saints: Pope Recognizes Martyrdom of 5 Franciscans Killed in Georgia in 1597

USCCB immigration, Georgia martyrs, and Fat Tom?
J.D. Flynn
If you’re reading The Pillar, you already know a little bit about the Angelic Doctor, and the substantial contributions he made to Catholic theology and Western philosophy. You probably also know that for Thomas, theological and philosophical work was part of Christian discipleship — that he wanted to be close to the Lord Jesus Christ more than he wanted to win renown or accolades as an intellectual...

What Books Should You Read?
Donald DeMarco
I grew up in Fall River, Massachusetts, a city steeped in history and shaped by the rise and fall of its cotton textile industry. By 1920, Fall River had become the largest textile-producing center in the United States, ushering in a period of great prosperity. From that era came magnificent Catholic churches, beautiful government buildings, and an architectural gem that was the public library...

What Would St. Thomas Aquinas Say About Artificial Intelligence?

Cardinal Cipriani, former archbishop of Lima, denies abuse but Vatican says disciplinary measures remain in force...
Luke Coppen
After Vatican restrictions emerged Saturday on a Peruvian cardinal’s ministry, the cardinal claimed they were lifted by Pope Francis, and that a 2018 allegation of sexual abuse against him was false. But the Vatican said Sunday that that Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani remains subject to binding written restrictions on his ministry, with only a few exceptions given in limited circumstances.

80 Years After Auschwitz’s Liberation: ‘I Ask You Only to Remember’...

The pope who was inaugurated by a bird...
Matthew Sewell
Fabian was a farmer by trade, having been born likely somewhere around the turn of the 3rd Century. He was also a layman, but other than that next to nothing is known about his prior life. After the death of Pope St. Anterus, in 236 AD, Fabian traveled into Rome from his farm outside the city, with a handful of others, to attend the election to select a new pope...

Wisdom From the Ashes: A Family Reflects on Losing Their Home in a Wildfire...
Noelle Mering
In 2017, the Thomas Fire tore through Ventura County, CA, raging from the mountains of Santa Paula, through the town, and westward into Ventura, hopscotching through neighborhoods and leaving devastation in its wake. Among the hundreds of families who lost their homes were Jess and Nathan Haggard, along with their eight children...

What do Dune, Hunger Games and Dracula all have in common?
Philip Kosloski
God is the supreme Storyteller and every time we create a story, we participate in the larger Story He created. On occasion even non-Christian authors can tap into that reality whenever they communicate a narrative that points to what is true, good, and beautiful. Today we’d like to introduce you all to our latest Voyage Compass book...

Father Carlos Martins Faces Misdemeanor Charge After Illinois Church Incident...

The problem with pluralism: Politics unguided by truth...
Jeff Mirus
In the way we most often use the term, pluralism means “a condition or system in which two or more sets of principles or sources of authority coexist by design.” But since no cohesive society can function peacefully without common rules and behavioral expectations, all pluralist societies must suppose the enforcement of some set of overarching common principles within which differences which do not destroy the common good...

The Way to Make Abortion Unthinkable Is to Wipe Out Feminism...

Jesus changes everything. So what about our wealth?

Why You Should Visit a Monastery...

UK Study: The number of children who think they’re the ‘wrong gender’ has surged 50-fold in just 10 years...

We Must Be Crazy, Who’s the Boss, and Star Children...

Grace and Charity: St. Francis de Sales’ Blueprint for Evangelization...

‘Sins of the flesh’ may lack ‘angelicality’ but they are hurting the Vatican...

Hell is (no) other people...

New Vatican document ‘Antiqua et Nova’ examines potential and risks of AI...

Is migration padding the USCCB ‘bottom line’? Let’s take a look at the numbers...

Jesus wants to meet you in the confessional. Do not doubt his love and mercy and power to forgive you there...
Fr. Victor Feltes
You may have heard of the Precepts of the Church. I like to think of these rules as prescriptions for medicines which Mother Church absolutely insists her children take for our spiritual health. The Third Precept listed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church may strike some people as odd: “You shall humbly receive your Creator in Holy Communion at least during the Easter season.” Why is this a rule?

Pope’s Sunday Angelus: ‘Do We Sense the Unique Authority With Which Jesus of Nazareth Speaks?’...

What responses to the LA fires can teach us in the Year of Hope...
Elizabeth Scalia
How could there not be enough water available to fire hydrants? Why are controlled fires and routine brush clearing not part of normal maintenance in such a fire-prone area? Who will be held accountable for lapses in fire preparedness and crisis readiness? The questions came fast, and they were furious, as we all watched one of the most beautiful, desirable living spaces in the United States...

Fighting the Clutter in Our Hearts...

The Mass Is the Foretaste of Eternity...
Fr. Matthew Schneider
Every week or every day, we attend Mass or Divine Liturgy, and it is largely the same. The Eucharistic prayer is just one of a few options, a lot of other prayers like the introductory and Communion rite are always the same. I generally like change and difference: I like a podcast that keeps a consistent format, but I don’t like listening to an episode again...

South Carolina Freemasons Announce Jan. 19 Induction of Joe Biden, Raising Questions of Canonical Penalties...
Ed Condon
An announcement surfaced online Friday from the Conference of Grand Masters of Prince Hall Lodge Freemasonry stating that the Grand Lodge of South Carolina had conferred membership on President Joe Biden. According to the announcement, dated Jan. 19 — the day before Biden left office — the president was granted a “resolution of membership” by the lodge in recognition of his “exceptional dedication and service to the United States”...

No, the ERA is not part of the Constitution. But why not?
Phil Lawler
In his last few weeks of hyperactivity before leaving the White House, Joe Biden issued one particularly bizarre statement, declaring—in a post on X (Twitter)—that the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is now the law of the land. It isn’t, of course. The outgoing president’s declaration was one more indication of his addled thinking. But before this strange episode is forgotten...

What Does the Bible Teach About Righteous Anger?
Clement Harrold
It’s easy to be angry in today’s world. Between the dishonesty in our politics, the corruption in our Church, and the incendiary effects of social media, many of us find ourselves feeling exasperated and indignant about one thing or other on a weekly or even daily basis. When living in this kind of toxic climate, we often start neglecting the incisive words of Scripture:

5 Takeaways From This Sunday, When We Receive the Word of God in Holy Communion...
Tom Hoopes
Jesus, the incarnate God, bursts onto the world stage in a new way in the readings for the Third Sunday of Lent Year C. He has already made some spectacular entrances. He had a birthday celebrated by angels and exotic magi, he was hailed by prophets as a baby in the Temple and by the actual voice of God beside the Jordan at his Baptism...

How the Pro-Life Generation Is Redefining ‘Unthinkable’...

The Life and Legacy of the Newly-Retired Christoph Cardinal Schönborn...

Crowds Arrive at National Mall in Washington, DC, for 52nd Annual March for Life...

Trump Pardons 23 Pro-Life Activists Imprisoned for Peaceful Abortion Protests...

An imperfect male’s guide to successful married life...

Get this entire Catholic website as an instant digital download...
The full contents of the New Advent website are available as a digital download. It includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — and it's only $19.99...


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